People of the world : we are waiting for the Son of Man To destroy the daesh

عنــــصــــر شـــــــیــــک

ما در شبکه های اجتماعی

Last month, on the fifteenth of Sha'ban 255 AH Imam Shiites, despite intensive care Abbasid government officials, in the house of Imam Askari (PBUH) opened the eyes of the world. Unlike his secret birth to the birth of Moses and Abraham's (pbuh).

Name: Muhammad ibn al-Hasan
Nickname: A.
Imam Mahdi (AS) the name and patronymic prophet (pbuh). In narrations that are not worthy of his name and patronymic, their name has adorned the earth, then God appearing and his government appear to return.
Among the Jewish religious books, revelations about the Savior has been less distorted Vdstbrd adversaries.

Some of this is due to the strong tendency of Jews to the Savior described as "Harambam" (mouse Maimonides) of the adult Jewish elders and says:

"Every Jew who does not believe in the Messiah or not coming forward to deny the statements of Moses and other prophets of Israel (1)

Some of these verses neutrality and non-interference in the lives of rabbis and Jewish leaders are distorting factor in staying safe.

Some are of the opinion that what the Jews in all periods of history full of ups and Nshybshan United always kept their faith in the Savior (We Sheikh) and some other verses related to this Amr- relative immunity to the Alzman- think of divine miracles.

Whatever the reason, the result is that the Jewish religious books and prophets of Israel saw the rise of many that the issue of the end of time, signs, and dedicated person and even in some books such as the Psalms promised Prophet David (PBUH) apocalyptic issues and signs have been the savior of a third of the book.

Some of these verses, the advent of Jesus Christ (PBUH) and his personal imply great match but in the search form and content of some verses of the Old Testament and incredible things to eat that strangely issues savior of the Shiite Imam Ali The rest of Azam Ali (AS) is consistent.

In a way that leaves no doubt as to any fair person.
The Pentateuch Torah travel (sefr) Genesis states:

"God appeared to Abraham and said to give this land to your descendants all this land that you see I will give to thy seed for ever you" (2)

The verses of this has led to some Jews, all the land of their inheritance Zionist thought and ideas derived from these verses from other lands allow rape count.

And elsewhere addressed to Abraham, we have:

"I will bring you a lot of time and many nations around you, I appear, you created Kings of your Ynd.hd among themselves and will make thy seed after thee, which is based on generation after generation is eternal"

God spoke to Abraham his father and the other part is called the Gentiles:

"Thy name be read after this Abram, but your name will be Abraham, for I have made you the father of many nations. (3)

In another verse Allah refers to the inheritance of land in addition to the righteous in the end talk of a large seed of Abraham (Ibrahim) to:

4. If you count the stars in the sky Bngr- thy seed also will be the Torah of the Chaldeans (Mesopotamia) brought to earth to give you the inheritance (4)


As you are aware, in the first verse God promised Abraham's descendants ruled the world and in the next verse a covenant between himself and Abraham describes.

Indeed, the covenant between God and the Prophet Ebrahim What? In what has been called the prophet of God, of God? Inheritance of land to his descendants?

Without a doubt, the best way to answer such questions is to look at the Holy Quran as the Quran has confirmed some of the above and unveil the secrets big plus, because the confirmation of the third verse:

"Many have made thee a father of many nations"


"... Including the Abykm Abraham and Ho Smykm Muslim and Faye draws me before ..."

"The religion of your father Abraham, God direct you in the previous books in this book called Muslim". (5)

But very important point in the fourth verse that speaks of the covenant between God and Abraham goes, this strangely in the Qur'an have been answered as we read:

"And taking Abtly Ibrahim Rabbo Bklmt Fatmhn Jalk Lnas MMI fireproof fireproof Annie and I biennials seed layer fireproof Alzalmyn"

"When the Lord of Abraham, tested him with commands and he came entirely from their responsibility, the Lord said to him, I'll Dadm.abrahym Imam and leader of the people said of the dynasty and the seed I put imams, said the Lord promise I am not wicked "(6)

So the covenant between God and His Messenger, to certain people of the seed of Abraham (as) imamate, which includes not wicked, why call God to Abraham that his request to put his seed should be such analysis .

Abraham had two sons, one from his wife, Sarah, Isaac, and another slave named Hagar, Ishmael was the reason for the marriage of Abraham by Hagar, Sarah's infertility, but God also answered later wish Sarah and her Isaac was born.

Jews know because as the son of Isaac, Isaac, Jacob "Israel means servant of God". Therefore the children of Israel, the descendants of Jacob.

The Jews, he was the son of Abraham, which means testing (victim) was Ishmael, not Isaac, but believe that attained this status.

However, the prophet and Amir and consequently the Imams and Sadat of Ishmael (AS).
The other reason is because the Quran to talk with Jews but do not know enough to answer this question in chapter 17 verse 20 of Genesis we search the Bible verse that the heart of every man truth with the light of God shine and shake the foundations of fitness and intellectual enemies of Ahlul Bayt (AS) throws:

"But what about Ishmael demand compliance commanded thee, behold, I will bless him time around, he is very multiply and 12 of his Imam arise and I will make him a great nation."

Yes, for Abraham's descendants who they achieve such imamate to be answered in the Torah, and more interesting that his word is repeated 12 times in the Quran! Which man is a seeker of wisdom and truth that the Shia Lyle did not realize the truth?

Yes, God promises to Abraham and Ishmael's descendants were in response to her request and is interesting that the phrase "... and I will make him a great nation" is clearly a reference to Islam's stated as the total number of Jews in the world (the children of Isaac ) is estimated to be only 14 million people, while the Muslim nation with a billion and a half people in the world after Christianity's most devoted followers, and even if the number of Shiites in the world (almost 200 million), to take the open We saw a clear distance.

Is not it in the Bible that God spoke to Abraham:

"Look at the sky, count the stars, if thou shalt thy seed also will be"

Apparently this is a verse in the Torah commentary of Surah Kausar. Yes verbal luminous same origin and of course referring to the truth of Scripture and the Shiite Imam Mahdi Genesis does not concern just as in many other Old Testament apocalyptic signs that the same examples of Quranic verses and traditions is also available in For example, consider the following:

"And seedlings from the trunk" Jesse "(the name of his father David) went out of his roots a branch will blossom and spirit will be upon him, will judge the poor with justice and for the meek of the earth, indeed ... waist belt will be ruling Justice and middle belt trust .... wolf will dwell with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the kid, and the calf and the lion together and a little child will lead them ... in the mountains My holy, harmless and not corruption, because the world will be full of the knowledge of God. " (7)
* The proof of his descent from the mother of his son Simon Narjeskhatoon to us all that he has fun cousin, Mary the mother of Jesus (AS) and Prophet David was interesting that both these honorable men. Others mentioned in this verse are identical in Islamic tradition, for example, Imam Hassan (AS) has said: at the time of the emergence of predators will simply live together (and Altslt Sabea) and horned goats and goats without horns will not attack ...

"Lord Saba Yvette says once Dygrasmanha and I will shake the earth and the sea and land and all nations will make Ramtzlzl virtue of all nations will come and then ... I will fill this house with glory." (8)

"Amir Azimi that you stand for boys called" standing "will rise ... Many of those who sleep in the dust, will awake ..." (9)

* In this verse Allah clearly the rest of his title called "vertical" means "standing" refers to the return of the faithful followed the reappearance of Imam Mahdi (as) is raised (over the age of Prayer: God, if death , who ordained it for all slaves between me and him - threw away his time, then-When I returned from the grave alive Zhvrsh- out now ...)

"Nakh lead many to righteousness (Imam time), will be like the stars forever and ever. But thou, O Daniel, words, books until the end of October now very quickly" traffic "will." (10 )

"Blessed are those who wait" (11)

* Business Afzal expected Faraj (the Shi'ite traditions expects the reappearance of best practices)

"Dominion and glory and kingdom given to all peoples and nations and languages ​​should serve him Knnd.sltnt Avjavdany and decline and his kingdom will not pass away." (12)

"The Book of Habakkuk: Although the delay, wait for it, because it will come and will not delay ... but all nations are gathered before Him, and all the people to provide for themselves." (13)

* Uyun Akhbar, vol. 1, p. 134 is the prophet Habakkuk that buried in Tuysarkan a strong Seventh-day Imam Mahdi and Daymsh slogan "Peace Alhm Ali Muhammad and Muhammad and Jl Frjhm was." Three of them in his book with obvious implications to the salvation of believers and the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him and his progeny) as the evangelized Alnbyn seal Dhnd.amam Reza (PBUH) in the House of Catholicos-Ma'mun that Azlma and the elders of the Jews, the question says: Is he talking about the advent of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him and his progeny) seen in the Torah? Knm.gftny said yes and acknowledge the great prophet and holy body waiting for Imam Zaman as miraculous in 1372 (AD) during excavations of several Jewish shrine in Tuyserkan Mthrshan appeared healthy.

Perhaps the most points to the emergence and should end in the Psalms of the Prophet David (PBUH) be sought as much as 150 to 35 and 55 to the end, you know.

It is not without reason that God in the Quran when referring to the fate of believers in the end draw our attention to the Psalms:
"And certainly We wrote in the Psalms, after the Torah that was Bongan our righteous will inherit the earth" (14)
So no surprise if the content of the Koranic verse in the Psalms, also see:

"The wicked will be cut off, but was waiting for God shall inherit the earth, shortly after the meek shall inherit the earth was evil was not, and their legacy will be forever Alabad. God supports the righteous, God knows full day and day He will be forever cut off the wicked generation of the righteous shall inherit the earth, and it will live forever, good night to take his life and his descendants will inherit. "(15)


"And he will judge thy people with justice, and thy poor judgment and poor children will save the humble and the oppressors will. In time he will blossom and abundance righteous will rule from sea to health will be or and from the river to the ends of the earth. "(16)

* In Bharalanvar Lmh chamber c 53 Page 62 states: Upon the advent of the earth, blind, crippled and crippling remain (abundance Health).

"All kings will bow down to him and all nations will serve him as a poor Astghatsh Nmvd.zyra, he will deliver and save the lives of the poor." (17)

"His name will remain forever, the name will stay the sun, people will be blessed in him and all the nations will say, blessed him, and bless his name forever blowing and the whole earth is full of his glory." (18)

"Wait for the Lord, be strong, he will strengthen your heart ... of all that waiting, waiting for God to be God through him, Pull up thy inheritance raises the earth." (19)

"Tnrnm nations will rejoice and for people to be fair, then your product will land, but the righteous rejoice and exult before God to be pleased to come and celebrate.

His people will bring you to justice. And thy poor with judgment, poor people will be hearing will save the poor children. He will blossom when the righteous will be health and wealth.

He will rule from sea to sea and from the river to the different parts of the world, will be an abundance of grain in the land Brqlh mountains, from cities like grass of the earth will flourish, all the nations of the earth will call him happy. "(20 )


* Indicates a sign of the apocalypse that some Shi'ite traditions is also available to increase the urban population to rural population and abundant blessings and agricultural products following the rise and ...

"Two edged sword in their hand to take revenge of the nations." (21)

* The above also surprisingly to Zulfikar Ali (AS) who, according to Shiite tradition, God rest his hand (Ch) is mentioned.

However, the enemies of God 11 Imam of the seed of Abraham (AS) and god of blood and soil and disappears with their servants, their twelfth but he who last saved the divine right flag on the roof of the world will knock.

Hoping to emerge Molly and chief Imam, Imam Mahdi (as) that of course is nearby.

Ali Akbar Raef Poor


Iranian Jewish magazine publication Byna- first year (1378) (4)
(About 12 over 7)
(Bab17-over 20) and (Bab18-over 18). Jewish religious sources as the God of Abraham and Sarah try to pass after these tests come from God to his name "e" added he and Abram became Abraham and Sarah Saar
(13-15) (15-5 to 8).
Verse 78 of Surah Hajj
Sura Baqarah, verse 124
Book of Isaiah (Chapter 11, paragraphs 1 to 10)
Book of Haggai (Chapter 2, paragraphs 6 to 9)
Daniel (Chapter 12 - 1,12)
Daniel (12-3V season 4)
Daniel (chapters 12-12)
Daniel (chapters 7, 12 and 14)
Book of Habakkuk (2-3Ta 5) Habakkuk word (Hayaghogh) in Hebrew, "Habakkuk" which means Ghvshgrfth is pronounced. It was so named because he is a world of his childhood and Elias the Prophet (PBUH) took him in his arms, and pray that God will make him live again. In Jinan in my actions as David, Imam Sadiq (AS) refers to his name
Chapter prophets, verse 105
Psalm 37 dams 9-11-12-17-18-27-29
Psalm 72 paragraphs 2, 4, 7 and 8
Psalm 72 paragraphs 11 and 13
Psalm 72 paragraphs 17 and 19
(Psalm 69 paragraph 3), (130 paragraph 5 and 6)
(Psalm 67 paragraph 4), (Psalm 68 paragraph 3), (Psalm 72 paragraphs 2, 4, 7, 8, 16, 17 and 149)
Psalm 149 paragraph 7

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Choose and determine which version of Waiting For The Son Of Man chords and tabs by Placebo you can play. Last updated on 03.04.2013.


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